Pope Francis says future priests should read poetry and fiction | Books | The Guardian

Pope Francis says future priests should read poetry and fiction | Books | The Guardian


Why "screens" are bad and books are good remains a mystery. Cleary Pope Francis continues the long tradition of the Church lagging about 10 steps behind modern society. At least John Paul-II said he liked the film 2001: A Space Odyssey. He was a cultured Pole who acted in a theatrical group as a youth. 

This Pope, however, seems to be a tad behind with a lot of nice talk but not much action. From his public¹ stance on gays (while not changing the official teaching one bit) to his critique of "Capitalism" while living in the lavish Vatican, it seems Francis is somewhat out of touch if not spiritually, at least culturally and economically.
¹ Apparently his private stance is quite different. See https://international.la-croix.com/religion/gays-in-seminaries-pope-francis-shocking-remarks. What was that line from the New Testament? When you say "yes" mean yes. When you say "no" mean no. (Matt. 5:37)
