Prozac in waterways is changing how fish behave, research finds | Fish | The Guardian

Australian study of guppies shows that pharmaceutical pollution could threaten species’ long-term survival


That wonderful science... guaranteed to make our lives better! 

At least, that's what the brainwashed masses say. Truth is, science rarely looks at the big picture. By definition, science must limit its variables. Here's a great example of a psychoactive drug that harms the environment after users eliminate it into the water supply.

There are several studies suggesting that psychoactive drugs harm and even kill marine life. We hear of them often. But we rarely hear about all those other drugs we take: Blood thinners, antihistamines, and antibiotics, to name a few. So I asked Google Gemini to fill us in. 

How do non-psychiatric drugs affect marine life?

Here's Gemini's answer: 
I tried to approach some of the issues around the psychiatric view of so-called mental illness in graduate studies but a backward, cynical professor made life very difficult for me. I'm still interested in the topic, however. My approach to academia wasn't just to "get a paycheck" but to advance knowledge and make things better.*

*The professor reportedly once said, "A university is a place where a professor gets a paycheck."
