Physician Burnout Is Not Being Extinguished and Is Dangerously Spreading to Parents

Burnout rates have once again reached epidemic levels, in both physicians and parents.
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Source: Physician Burnout Is Not Being Extinguished and Is Dangerously Spreading to Parents | Psychiatric Times


The article tells us that "most do not go for formal help due to perceived stigma." That's sort of like a priest not going to Mass beyond their prescribed duties because they think they'll be viewed as a religious "zealot."

We have been hearing so much professional, cultural and corporate fluff about the removal of stigma in the area of mental health. But if a burnt-out medical doctor is afraid of it, what does that say?

It says don't be fooled. The stigma around mental health is just as real as it always has been. Perhaps even more so now that the religion of "science" with all its hypocrisy and flaws, has taken charge of the treatment.

In the old days, it was okay to be blue. Okay to be a bit eccentric. Okay to be a daydreamer at school. You were not rushed off to the doctor and prescribed pills. Your family, friends, and religion helped pull you through. 

But 21st-century science is winning the ideological battle for "truth" (cough sough) where ironically, so many never fully regain true psychological and spiritual health.

Again, if doctors are afraid to "get help" from the existing scientific system, why should we blindly trust it? If anything, doctors know what's really going on. They're looking from the inside and can sense the well-meaning superficiality, politics, potential duplicity, scientism (i.e. lousy, religious or fraudulent science), and general lack of 'soul wisdom' in medicine that many in the general population do not perceive.

Not that we should overlook medical advice. But it should be tempered with common sense, diligent fact-checking, and religious beliefs telling us that God is the primary healer.

And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.
I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

~ Luke 5:31-32, King James Version
