Here's something I worked on - on and off - over the past few weeks. It turns out Edvard Grieg did a composition by the very same name but I can honestly say I verified that after choosing the title. I am a bit of a classical music buff so probably saw the title somewhere, sometime. I thought if anything it might have been Tchaikovsky or Prokofiev.
These two versions are more or less the same except version 2 has a piano with 5 octaves.
The joy of midi is if you want it you can usually get it.
The piece began on the free music maker LMMS, which I find inspiring—up to a point. After the initial ideas are down, I usually switch to Reaper, which is not free but has a demo version that is free for a while and keeps working even if you do not buy a license. I think most people buy a license for Reaper, as I did because it is affordable, and hey, music made with ripped-off stuff isn't going to sound good, is it?
Bad vibes all around.
With Reaper, I find it easier to fine-tune things like volume curves and note velocities. You can do that in LMMS but Reaper is super precise, stable and easier on my weary old eyes.
Image for this piece was generated by Google Gemini |