With new threats facing Canada, it's time we ditched the 'nice guy' act to truly stand on guard for thee
Trump wants to turn Canada into an American state. Kreaminals from Europe and elsewhere have been influencing large sectors of Canadian society for decades. And what's Trudeau done about it?
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When Trudeau was riding high on his "Green Messiah" stallion... pushing Orwellian messages on radio and TV - Image via CBC |
He imposed an arguably self-serving carbon tax that does nothing to change the climate but harms Canadians in countless ways—economic, psychological, and physical.
So when I saw that last night's Leaf game was hosted in Toronto but only available on Mr. Bezos' Amazon Prime, it made me think. How many American pro football, baseball or basketball games have been exclusively available on a Canadian network?
Americans would be up in arms if that ever happened. So what's wrong with Canada? When did we become so wimpy?
We weren't always like that. We successfully battled the Americans to keep them at bay during the War of 1812, which lasted three long years from 1812-1815.
Part of our current problem is the handout mentality. Instead of creatively looking for work, some able Canadians prefer signing up for government handouts. They become experts at milking the system, never stopping to think who pays for it all. They don't want to sweep the floor at McDonalds or care for their elderly parents when they can get more by filling out a few online forms. And that's partly why I have the deepest respect for low-paid workers doing lousy jobs. It's hard as hell for them but they'd rather do that than, say, fake an ailment and take handouts.
Another problem is our pathetic economy. If you print money for government handouts and add layers of red tape for startups and energy producers, you are going to get inflation. Add to that an ineffectual, escalating Carbon Tax that drives prices up through the entire economy, and you have a recipe for disaster.
Like it or not, disaster is where Canadians are heading if we don't change our ways, ASAP.
Perhaps the answer is to merge with the USA. We'd probably lose our universal Health Care but that's breaking down anyhow. Some people have died in emergency rooms waiting to be treated and at least 15,474 patients in Canada died from 2023 to 2024 while waiting for a wide range of surgeries, procedures, or diagnostic scans.
At the beginning of the 21st century, I was enthusiastic about merging with the USA but found that Americans and Canadians, alike, abhored the idea.
Have things changed?
♪♩♪ Our national anthem's lyrics, for those who don't know what I mean by "stand on guard for thee." ♪♩♪