It's true... you can install Windows 11 on your PC even if Mircrosoft says you cannot

I'm not sure how secure it is. But you can do it. Just look here or ask DeepSeek AI and it spells out various methods. 

e-waste is a global hazard

Having said that, I didn't like Windows 11 and became concerned about security issues. So I went back to Lubuntu

What a sigh of relief

I really don't see how the average user benefits from all the crap loaded onto Windows 11. The RAM and CPU usage seems higher than Windows 10. This means your computer runs slower and you're sitting there biting your nails when you could be surfing or writing.

Updates and Security

Yes, I was able to update the customized installation of Windows 11. But I don't know enough about the security features the custom installation bypassed. It might be unsafe for various reasons.

Long Live Linux

Considering the amount of waste that old, discarded PCs add to the environment, I consider it a bit of a joke how Bill Gates and other MS hacks talk about 'green' strategies yet implement an operating system that renders perfectly good PCs obsolete.

Electronic trash is a major environmental hazard, on a global scale. Shame on Microsoft. They should at least give consumers the option to update from Windows 10 to Windows 11 without having to resort to clever tricks of dubious efficacy.

Thankfully, Linux really does breathe new life into older PCs. I'm using a Linux PC right now... and having a ball! ðŸ˜ƒ
