Two shots

 My walk last night around 11 pm. The street light was flickering between off (dark) and on (bright white). This shot caught it in-between, so it shows green.

The two towers are under construction. When I walk by on my way to mass it's busy, with concrete trucks and cranes hauling up vats of concrete to the top stories. It's so noisy I usually wear earplugs or plug my ears with my fingers as I go by. But this Sunday night it was quiet.

This next shot caught my attention because it reminded me of the moonbase in 2001: A Space Odyssey where they carve out the moon to reveal the monolith. I tried to correct the angles (the original is skewed, I guess because it's on a hill) but I am not quite satisfied. I would need to control the edits with a numerical keyboard, and my Adobe Photoshop Elements only allows for dragging with the mouse, which is not too precise. But hopefully you get the idea.

Cellphone photography has its pros and cons. Next time maybe I'll take a real camera... although I'm not sure it would be much better.
